Vaccinations before traveling to Thailand: needed or not


Do you want to visit Southeast Asia and worry about your health? It is not surprising, because the media every time they report about virus epidemics. Do I need vaccinations before traveling to Thailand? We tell you about the possible dangers and how we ourselves acted.

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Several years of life in the Kingdom of Smiles convinced us that no vaccinations are needed. We have not been vaccinated and are not going to do so in the future.

But this is a private opinion. Many tourists think differently. Doctors also have their own point of view on the problems that may await tourists in a distant country. Let's figure out what diseases and vaccinations we are talking about before traveling to Thailand.

Medicine in Thailand

WHO assesses the level of development of medicine in different countries according to many criteria. Among its Asian neighbors, Thailand is considered epidemiologically safe. Traditional Thai medicine is of a very high standard. Thailand is famous for its effective balms, herbal extracts, massage, modern hospitals and clinics.

Over the years of our life in Thailand, we have addressed various problems to Pattaya Memorial Hospital and the most expensive in the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya resort. Every time we were satisfied with the quality of medical care. Employees of Thai pharmacies helped us find the right medicine. A basic level of English is enough to communicate with them.

There is only one drawback. For foreigners, medical services in Thailand are expensive, so be sure to get insurance before traveling.

Diseases that are dangerous in Thailand

You should not be vaccinated against malaria, hepatitis A and yellow fever... There will be no problems with these misfortunes. Moreover, as a rule, we are already vaccinated against hepatitis A and B.

Infection threat tetanus in Thailand there. Against this disease is vaccinated every 10 years. If the vaccination was long ago, you will be vaccinated after injury. For example, when dirt gets into deep cuts. Injections from rabies also do it on the spot, after being bitten by a stray dog.

In Thailand, there may be intestinal diseases... There are no vaccinations against this scourge. Just follow the basic rules of hygiene - wash your fruit, wash your hands and do not buy food in questionable places. All Thai resorts offer cream cakes and sushi from stalls that have stood in the heat all day. Refrain from temptations!

The real danger in Thailand is dengue fever... A serious illness with dangerous consequences. The vaccine for it is useful only for those who have already had Dengue fever. If you come to the country for less than a year, you do not need to be vaccinated.

What vaccinations do children need in Thailand?

Adult tourists are only responsible for their own lives. Parents who want to come on vacation with the whole family are worried - do they need to vaccinate their children before going to Thailand?

Little Thais are given the same vaccinations as in our country. See a pediatrician and decide for yourself if your child needs additional vaccinations before traveling to Thailand.

What Thai doctors say

Thai media recommend that visitors be vaccinated against various diseases. This is understandable - medicine for foreigners is paid here. The most popular are vaccinations against hepatitis A and Japanese encephalitis.

Such vaccinations make sense only for those who decided to stay in Thailand for a long time - for a year or more. The quality of Thai vaccines is higher than Russian ones, and prices are almost the same as in Moscow. Vaccinations cost from 600 to 1500 baht.

Before our very eyes, a married couple of foreigners of about 50 entered the Tukkom store. The man perched on the hoverboard, lost his balance and crashed to the floor. Well done trick ended with a hip fracture. Maybe the poor fellow should have been vaccinated in advance? From bad ideas, for example.

Millions of people travel to Thailand without any vaccinations. But health is expensive, so you have to make the decision yourself. Good health insurance won't hurt anyway!
