Unawatuna (Sri Lanka) - beaches, reviews, hotels, weather


Looking for a break from the crowded city and a warm ocean vacation? Take a closer look at Sri Lanka! Get feedback from tourists about the weather, beaches, hotels and excursions in Unawatuna.

Vacation season in Unawatuna

Sri Lanka is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean, and it is located in the subequatorial monsoon climate. From October to March, winds prevail, blowing from the northeast, and from June to October, from the southwest. Temperatures of air and water do not change much from season to season, so people spend their holidays on the island all year round.

The peculiarity of Unawatuna, unlike other resorts in Sri Lanka, is in the microclimate. The weather here is slightly different: if in bad weather other beaches are closed due to storms, tourists swim in Unawatuna throughout the year. There are especially many vacationers from November to April. During these months, the air temperature during the day rises to +30 ... + 32 ° С, and the water is warmed up to +28 ... + 30 ° С. Rains are rare and there are almost no storms in the ocean.

Winter begins in Sri Lanka in December. However, the local "fierce cold" in +27 ... + 29 ° С seems to visitors to be hot. In Unawatuna, the weather is sunny, so vacationers spend a lot of time on the beaches.

In March and April, the cold season ends, and the flow of tourists gradually decreases. In May, the real heat begins in Unawatuna. There is almost no wind, and due to the high humidity, rest becomes uncomfortable. The rainy season begins in early summer.

Weather in Unawatuna during high season

day air t, ° Сwater t, ° С

Advice... Come to Unawatuna from June to September to save money and relax in a more intimate setting.

Map of resorts and beaches of Sri Lanka

Beach at Unawatuna

According to the Discovery TV channel, the coastal strip of Unawatuna is one of the 10 best beaches in the world. A natural barrier - an extended coral reef - reliably protects it from large waves from the ocean. Even during monsoons, there are no storms in the lagoon.

Unawatuna Beach attracts tourists from all over the world to Sri Lanka, so seclusion is difficult to find there. The coast is quite picturesque: it is framed by tall palm trees and covered with clean fine sand. Many people like that swimmers are surrounded by schools of curious fish in the water. Farther from the coast, sea turtles swim freely.

According to tourists, the best time to swim in Unawatuna is before lunch. The beach has sun loungers and parasols, restaurants, cafes, and many fresh fruit vendors. The quietest site is at the far end of the beach, next to a Buddhist temple. Parents with children usually come there.

Entry into the water is not always convenient. On some days, the surf brings a lot of stones to the sandy coast, so wear special shoes for swimming. Tourists swim with caution, as motor boats and jet skis run near the shore.

Advice... If you enjoy jumping in the waves and enjoying the splashes, choose the central part of the lagoon. For a relaxing break, head towards a Buddhist temple.

Safe Unawatuna Beach & Mysterious Jungle Beach

Prices for holidays in Unawatuna

Unawatuna is a former fishing village that has turned into a fashionable resort. In high season, a 7-day tour for two with a departure from Moscow costs from 76,000 rubles. Round-trip air tickets from Moscow for one - from 25,000 rubles. A double room in a 3 * hotel will cost $ 25-35, and in a 5 * hotel - from $ 80 per night.

In coastal restaurants and cafes, food is more expensive. For a dinner for two with drinks, you need to pay $ 15. For the same food in restaurants for locals they charge only $ 3.

Food prices in Unawatuna do not differ much from prices in other resorts in Sri Lanka:

  • coconut - $ 0.3;
  • pineapple, 1 kg - $ 0.3;
  • papaya, 1 kg - $ 0.5-0.7;
  • rice with chicken - $ 0.8;
  • a loaf of bread - $ 0.3;
  • cola, 2 l - $ 0.7;
  • fresh juice, 0.5 l - $ 0.7-1.

Advice... To save money, eat in Sri Lankan eateries. Try inexpensive seasonal fruits, roti pancakes, curried rice and grilled fish.

Hotels in Unawatuna

Look for hotels with discounts on Rumguru. Here are the main rules for finding hotels.

Unawatuna has grown a lot, and the resort has accommodations in different price categories. According to the reviews of tourists, the hotels and service are good - as well as in Sri Lanka in general.

There are no swimming pools in budget apartments and hotels 1 * and 2 *. Modestly furnished rooms with air conditioning, small refrigerator and water heater in the shower. Many 3 * hotels have swimming pools. Hotels 4 * and 5 * are comfortable, but they do not accept tourists on the "all inclusive" program, and only provide breakfast.

The most popular tourist hotels with a beach in Unawatuna, Sri Lanka:

  • Sea View Deepal Villa 3 *
  • Rockside Cabanas Hotel 3 *
  • Rankaty residence 3 *
  • Thaproban Beach House 4 *
  • Rock Fort Hotel & Spa 4 *
  • Sayura Beach Hotel 4 *
  • Thaproban Pavilion Waves Unawatuna 5 *
  • Thaproban Pavilion Resort and Spa 5 *
  • Apa Villa Thalpe 5 *.

Advice... For a budget holiday, rent a room in a 2 * and 3 * hotel or an apartment and eat in those cafes and restaurants where Sri Lankans come to have a snack.

Excursions and entertainment from Unawatuna in Sri Lanka

Look for author's interesting excursions on the Sputnik and Tripster websites. Individual and group, no crowds of tourists and in Russian.

Unawatuna is primarily a beach resort in Sri Lanka. Tourists enjoy swimming, sunbathing, strolling along the coast, riding glass-bottom boats, snorkeling and diving. Many people enjoy doing yoga and visiting local spas for excellent Ayurvedic massages. Do you like sea fishing? Rent a motor boat and sail across the coral reef to the vastness of the ocean!

There are many interesting excursions in Sri Lanka from Unawatuna:

  • turtle farm - $ 2.5;
  • Yala National Park - $ 50;
  • Adam's Peak, tea plantations and Ravanna Falls - $ 80;
  • whales and dolphins - $ 25;
  • elephant nursery in Pinnawala - $ 60;
  • jeep safari in Udawalawe National Park - $ 130.

Find out: The most interesting places on the island.

Reviews of tourists about the rest in Unawatuna

According to tourists, a trip to Unawatuna in Sri Lanka has a lot pluses:

  • Wonderful warm climate.
  • Clear azure ocean and beautiful sandy coastline.
  • You can swim and sunbathe all year round.
  • A good place to stay with children.
  • Beach activities can be easily combined with boat trips, excursions to Buddhist temples, to a Japanese pagoda and trips to national parks.


  • During the high season, the resort gets too crowded.
  • Sometimes the ocean brings stones to the shore, and you need to swim in slippers.
  • There are no entertainment centers or shopping.
  • Rest is overshadowed by beggars.
  • There are a lot of annoying merchants and barkers on the beaches.
  • There are no sidewalks on the highways. There is a lot of traffic, so you need to walk with care.
