How to get from Rome to Bari - all the ways


Find out about all the ways to get from Rome to Bari on your own. How is it cheaper, more comfortable and faster? Schedules, stops, prices and nuances of buying tickets. We advise you how to save money.

Look for excursions on the Sputnik and Tripster websites. Individual and group, no crowds of tourists and in Russian.

How to get by bus from Rome to Bari

One of the cheapest ways to get from Rome to Bari on your own is by intercity buses. The distance between the two cities is 430 km, travel time by bus is 5-7 hours. The journey will be quite comfortable: the buses have air conditioning, toilets, soft adjustable chairs, Wi-Fi and sockets.

Stops... Buses from Rome to Bari depart from train stations Tiburtina and Termini and arrive at the Centrale train station.

schedule... Buses FlixBus and Marozzi run from 6:15 am to 2:45 am at intervals of 20-40 minutes. Most of the flights are direct, but some buses stop for 2 hours in Naples.

Where can I buy a ticket. For the Rome - Bari bus, you can take a ticket at the ticket offices and electronic machines at Rome train stations. It is convenient to buy tickets online at the Omio aggregator and carrier websites. There is also an up-to-date Rome - Bari bus schedule. Depending on the flight, day of the week, season and time of departure, one-way travel costs 20-48 euros.

How to save... The cheapest tickets are purchased online 1-2 months before the trip. So you will only spend 18 euros.

How to get by train from Rome to Bari

The most comfortable and safe way to get from Rome to Bari on your own is by high-speed trains Frecciargento. They will take you to your destination in 4 hours. Intercity trains Intercity of the Italian company Trenitalia make more stops and therefore take from 6.5 hours to travel. Like buses, trains leave from Rome's Tiburtina and Termini train stations and arrive at the Centrale train station in Bari.

schedule... Trains from Rome to Bari run daily from 7:28 to 19:05 at intervals of 1-3 hours. For the current timetable, see the official website of the Italian railways

Where can I buy a ticket... Many tourists buy tickets for the Rome - Bari train at ticket offices and vending machines at railway stations. Keep in mind that cashiers in Italy hardly speak English, but the vending machines have a menu in English.

To buy online, the Russian-language Omio service with a flexible filter system is convenient. After payment, the ticket will be sent to your email. Print it out and go to land!

High-speed train tickets Frecciargento at the cheapest rate Super Economy cost 27 euros, according to the tariff Economy - 45 euros, and at the most expensive rate Base - 60 euros. Train fares Intercity below. A Super Economy ticket costs € 14, an Economy ticket costs € 22, and a Base ticket costs € 50.

How to save... The earlier you buy your ticket, the cheaper it is. 1-2 months before the trip, you can purchase a Super Economy ticket for only 11.5 euros.

Airplane Rome - Bari

You can quickly get from Rome to Bari by plane. From Rome airport Fiumicino (FCO) to the airport Bari Palese (BRI) can be reached in 1 hour 5 minutes. At a low-cost airline Ryanair tickets cost from 16 euros, and from the airline Alitalia - 60-70 euros.

Where can I find cheap tickets? Use the search engines Aviasales and Skyscanner to compare prices of all airlines. Find out the secrets of finding cheap flights.

BlaBlaCar ride

The taxi ride from Rome to Bari is very expensive. We advise you to look for travel companions in order to split the costs for several people. Register on the BlaBlaCar service and you will be able to see the drivers' offers for the desired date. Select a time and sort your trips by price to find the one that suits you. We managed to find inexpensive options for 22.5 euros.

Rome to Bari by car

If you like to travel on your own by car, rent a car and enjoy driving along the great roads of Italy. The distance from Rome to Bari by car is about 430 km, you will cover this path in 4.5-6 hours.

At rental offices at the airport Fiumicino more favorable conditions. An economy class car costs from 20 euros per day. Do not forget about additional costs: spending on gasoline - 80-90 euros, paying for autobahns - 20-30 euros and parking. Find out all the nuances of car rental abroad.

How to save... We advise you to take a route through Naples and take a car for a few days. Renting an economy class car for a week starts from 50 euros.

What is the best way to get from Rome to Tivoli

One of the cheapest ways to get from Rome to Bari is by buses. The trip will take an hour longer than by rail, but will be cheaper. For those who value time and comfort, we advise you to hit the road on the high-speed train.

Quite quickly, you can get to Bari by plane - the flight will take 1 hour. However, add a few more hours to this time to get from / to the airport, check in and go through security.

Traveling by car with fellow travelers is popular with tourists who want to save money, but like to travel with convenience.

Self-driving a rented car is a great option for everyone who feels confident behind the wheel. We recommend planning your trip to Bari for a few days. Route through the most interesting places in Central and Southern Italy - ancient Tivoli, the beautiful region of Abruzzo and the seaside town of Pescara.
